Published in: Das Schwimmbad und sein Personal, edition 04/2015
… located in Saxony-Anhalt.

It was once a miller, was poor, but he had a large outdoor swimming pool. Now it happened, that he came to speak to the King, and to make himself appear, he said to him,: “I have a pool, the sun and water can spin into gold.” The king said to the miller: “This is an art, pleases me well, if your planning office is so clever, as you say, so bring it tomorrow in my castle, I will put her to the test.”
“The miller 1992”, Photo: aqua&pools
And when they brought to him the office, he led it into a VOF Competition (VOF: Vergabeordnung for freelance services), for which the king promised only water and sun, gave him white paper and said,: “Now does get to work, and if you can not convert by tomorrow morning this water with sun in entrance fees tonight, so you have to go.” Then he closed the competition acts themselves to, and the planning office was left alone with the task. And when the girl sat and all the other poor people and knew to do for her life: She knew nothing about it, how could spin sun and water into gold, and their fear was always greater, that they began to finally cry. As the door opened at once, and stood a little man in and said,: “Good evening, Employee, why you crying so?”
the bathroom 1992, Photo: unknown
“but,” answered the employees, “we are spinning water and sun to gold and do not understand.” Then the little man: “What do you give me, if I help you spin?” – “My low labor costs,” said the staff member. The girl gave your parents a "Live Well!“, sat by the CAD system, and whirr, schnurr, schnurr, three times the mouse moves, was a drawing of swimming pools ready. Then he put another file on, and whirr, schnurr, schnurr, drawn three times, a water treatment plant was drawn: and so it went on until the morning, since all ideas were put on paper and spun, and all hard drives full of bits and bytes.
Scene of the action:
Adventure Waterpark “Saaleperle”, am Stadtbad 65, 06406 Bernburg (Saale), Telephone: +49 (0) 3471 311526 |

At sunrise the king has arrived, and when he saw the draft, he was astonished and delighted, but his heart was only conveyor-greedy. He was bringing the planning offices into a second VOF Competition, who was even more difficult, and ordered them, to spin that also in one night, if they had loved the job. The staff did not know how to help and wept, there was again the door on, and the little man appeared and said,: “What you give me, so that the water with sun gold?”
Graphic: Ingenierubüro Roschke, D. Sura 1997
“The leisure the next few days,” answered the employees. The little man took the time, the staff again began to purr with the mouse wheel, and had until morning spun all the water and sun to glossy stocks. The king was pleased with the results at the sight, but was still not enough paper, but let the employees make a whole plan, saying: “The you have to conclude later this year: but succeeds euchs, so you shall receive a fee” – “If it's even one employee,” he thought, “an idea richer wife I do not find in the world.” (…)
Graphic: Engineering office Roschke, D. Sura, 1997
Then, thoughts on drawings, year 1998 an unusual witchcraft, to which the employees feel fairly well understood to.
It created many drawings, not only with coal, and colors were slow state at this time and were able to fool the eye.
Photo: aqua&pools, 2015
The spa is of course particularly dedicated to the health of the guests. While other employees take care in the fitness center, it is sometimes the task, to animate the guests from the pool edge in a course. He is also the time Entertainer, that without the petrified grin of a TV-seller.

The king's assistants stayed with all senses on the health of the outdoor pool. The family doctor heard the air tubes, and was not afraid, to use even newfangled medical equipment.
Photo: Bernburger Freizeit GmbH, 2001
Only the Emperor, he was from another monarchy, sent his vassals from the Imperial Office of well-being to the door and scattered the rumor of evil Pseudomonas over his subjects Newspaper. Well, the king had made provisions awake with a good alchemist, who was able, collect all the germs in filters and penalties with a disinfectant magic vassals lies. The swimming pool was opened on time in a great festivals and so everyone was happy and satisfied, up to the male.
Photo: Bernburger Freizeit GmbH
For over a year the employee brought a beautiful child into the world and thought for an entire maternity leave no longer the male: But suddenly he came into her life, saying,: “Now give me, what you promised.”
Then the miller remembered to help this poor little fellow and count all night on all revenues of the outdoor pool together, he had ever made, and sent a messenger over land, should inquire far and wide, who could present better figures for the city coffers. When the next day came the male from the Spreewald, the evidence was begun: The miller in Saxony-Anhalt is now spinning water and sun to gold, even if he has to walk the path with polished stainless steel Zeller.
Persons acting in our story were: Müller: Frank Müller, Swimming Champion, Skilled workers for Automatic machinery and equipment, king: R. Reichelt, Managing Bernburger Leisure Ltd., Kaiser: deselected and chased out of the country, Rumpelstilzchen: Herbert Roschke, Engineering Office Roschke, in retirement, colleague: Mendi Nagora, In the other rollers: Employee: Dipl.-Ing. Dirk Sura, aqua&pools, (storytellers)

Photo: Bernburger Freizeit GmbH
Meanwhile, the Friends of the miller won the pool loving truly, from the lying surface on the roof, to the from (electrical) Magic bewebenden inventions in the basement of the castle.
To the good tables jumped quite a ridiculous little man, hopped on one leg and cried: "But, how well, that everyone knows, that I (not) Rumpelstiltskin!” And so the male was still so some planning contract - to put it to rest.
Photo: The Miller, 2004
And since they are not dead, spin and draw and build them today. Proper fairytale end here. But we tell here the story of a swimming champion in the vast plain of Saxony-Anhalt. The mandatory response: Yes, the miller has its pool (under control). He cherishes and cares for the pool, plants and technical plants. He may this success also quiet times enjoyed in one of the three hot tubs on the terraces. If necessary, this can be defined as "functional test outside working hours". A description, what has changed in recent years in its pool, beyond the space of a fairy tale. The miller has written his own history, He seems happy with the ideas and their implementation.

The fanciful girl is the girl age naturally run away a few days, But the fantasy has stored in any drawer. As a good storyteller, I want to be yes, I simply MUST mention, that this fantasy has found particularly in a rose garden completion. Who wants to see the evidence, must be in forest / persuade or Lausitz them roam the Spreewald attention.
Photo: Bernburger Freizeit GmbH

Our fairy tale played above the earth. But an important part of the action took place in dark caves. The necessary for the operation of routes were placed underground and building contours camouflaged with the terrain. There are now sunbathing areas and terraces, which are to maintain course and the need to recover the off-season by many towels.
The pool itself is located outside the town of Bernburg right next to the flowing past Saale and is part of a whole group of recreational facilities under the umbrella of the Bernburg Leisure Ltd..
We perform at this point a small series of articles on, in the Association in the coming months to present some of its members and their places of activity. If you are the opinion, OF THE or has to be, write us at best equal to an email to

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